Good Practice Plattform
Seit 2017 laden wir einmal im Quartal in dem Format Meet2Talk zum informellen Erfahrungsaustausch über innovative Lehrprojekte an der Universität Heidelberg ein.

Prof. Dr. Silke Hertel, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching and Professor for Personal Competencies in the School Context at Heidelberg University’s Institute of Education Science, Heidelberg University
Wednesday, 27.03.2024, 18.00–20.00 (s. t.)
Today's universities have the difficult task of preparing graduates for a future whose demands they cannot yet assess. In a discussion with the new Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching, Prof. Dr. Silke Hertel, we want to debate crucial questions that everybody involved in higher education is dealing with sooner rather than later. These include questions of future literacies, the internationalization of university education, and the importance of good teaching for assuming social responsibility. Universities must find answers to these questions while societies face pressing planetary issues.
This means that to further develop teaching and learning, one has to assess and creatively deal with the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. Furthermore, learning institutions have to rethink education in a world of increasingly agile student biographies and job market developments. These fundamental shifts require joint efforts to generate sustainable answers – for now, in the near future, and in the years to come.
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